A project called fraternity : key dates
A project called fraternity :
key dates
Association founded in 2001 at 176 rue Pierre Valdo, in Lyon, its founding members are leading figures of four associations: the Entraide Protestante de Lyon, the Association Familiale Protestante de Saint-Étienne, the Entraide Protestante de Saint-Étienne and the Diaconat Protestant du Chambon-sur -Lignon.
The head office has been situated in Saint-Étienne since 2015.
New centres open in the Alpes-Maritimes (PACA region)
Merger between Entraide Pierre Valdo and La Relève
New centres open in the Gard (Occitanie Region)
New centres open in the Bouches-du-Rhône (PACA Region)
New centres open in the Isère (AURA Region)
Absorption of the CHRS run until that date by the Protestant Family association of Saint-Étienne
New centres open in the Ardèche (AURA Region)
Implementation of the first child protection project
Insertion / Emergency activities set up
Founding of Entraide Pierre Valdo resuming the activities of the Centre Pierre Valdo
Devant l’afflux des demandeurs d’asile, le Centre Pierre Valdo, en collaboration avec les pouvoirs publics, décide d’ouvrir un Centre d’Accueil pour Demandeurs d’Asile à Andrézieux-Bouthéon. Le Centre Pierre Valdo est alors amené à se transformer et laisse la place à l’Association Entraide Pierre Valdo.
New centres open in the Loire (AURA Region)
Vocational training centre opens for foreigners. Little by little, the Centre Pierre Valdo outlines what will become Entraide Pierre Valdo 30 years later.
A daytime activity centre opens. It replaces the activities that were previously set up for children and families. Changes in national legislation made this reorganisation necessary. In 2013, new premises are built with the help of Lyon County Council and the Lyon CAF.
Refugee and asylum activities start.
The Centre Pierre Valdo opens.
Activities start in the Rhône.
The premises at 176 rue Pierre Valdo are managed by the recently founded non-profit organisation: the Centre Pierre Valdo. Its principal aims are to look after children and youngsters from different backgrounds with a very strong human rights ethos, open-mindedness, and international solidarity.
1948 A large estate at 176, rue Pierre Valdo, in the 5th district of Lyon, is bequeathed to the Entraide Protestante of Lyon for the benefit of children from Lyon’s parishes.
Construction sites are organised for groups of young volunteers to build premises over several years ; a holiday centre for young children is set up; an outdoor activity centre schedules activities for isolated pensioners or residents of an old people’s home, various social activities are set up in the district. As well as other social activities set up in the district.